jennifer's body...
what is it so "best" about jennifer's body that driving me to write about it here??
jennifer's body is actually just a paranormal story...i thought...
which turn human into such an evil creature...
but it's not devil...
it's just zombie...
zombie that eat human...
they suck human bloods..
to stay alive and look fresh...
jennifer's body was actually not good for my eyes to watch it...
coz they have lots of forbidden actions and scene as the movie rolls...
but after watching it, i found that jennifer's body is such a very good story...
the flow of the story is fascinating(fascinating tu ape ek...ekekeke)
and the most significant part that i would like to share about jennifer's body is..
this story reminded us that our lives would change fast,
without our notification...
no warning...
in a night, everything could turn into something bad if we don't really get prepared...
that's what we called "fate"..
or in malay, "takdir"...
since childhood, i was taught about "takdir"...
even for some episodes in my life,
i cannot accept the "takdir"...
maybe coz i'm not fully convince that i always have "Him"...
help me!!!
i would never want to go astray(astray ni apebnde plak..)
but this life is so difficult to predict...
i just hope that i will always be in "His" guardian..
through the right path...
i know i cannot watch anything like jennifer's body...
but the evil spirit inside me seems got to bring me down...
ya Allah..
susahnye nak jadi baik...senangnye nak jadi jahat...
sy slalu doa supaya Allah selamatkan umat nabi muhammad di akhir zaman ni...
and selamatkan kami semua dari api neraka...
but that were just only hope in theory...
practically, everybody has their own lifestyle...
their own practice...
how can we change and save everybody??????