but that great moment was only a memory now,
when the next minute u are told that the one that u loved is NO longer around..:-(
its true that u were having that great moment together..
but u will regret it when u did NOT that treasure that moment..
maybe at that time u never think about losing the one u really loved..
bcoz the one u loved is always around n being by your side..ALWAYS..
but once u lose them, u would feel that sumthing missing in your life..
so..treasure the moment with everyone that u loved b4 u regret it..:)
just like what had happened to me recently..
i just lost the one that i really Loved..(9 days ago..)
she were really nice n concerned about me...
i don't even have the chance to have the last moment with her..
but at least, i realized that how much i loved her n keep praying for her..
i will ALWAYS do..
hopefully her soul would be placed among "Mukmin yg berIMAN"..INSYAALLAH..:)